Saturday, January 30, 2010

How Long Do You Leave Teeth Whitener On For What Teeth Whitener Work Best?

What teeth whitener work best? - how long do you leave teeth whitener on for

In prepared to spend over $ 100.
I am a / retainor when gels work best.
also, what kind of gels. My dentist sold "White Nite"
but some people have told me that if you are not careful stain teeth.
If Crest Whitestrips will work best, how long will it take for my teeth white (originally the teeth are not super, but yellow does not resort ID, average white) very much.
During the painting? Theyd because I believe as a chaotic and bacon.
I tried all kinds of mouthwash and whitening toothpastes. but they are not my teeth white as proof of identity, as they were.
I want my teeth whiter in about a month, if possible
best answer will be rewarded.

1 comment:

  1. Tip: Crest Whitestrips, they really for me and arm and toothpaste work hammor Pint literly teeth whiter shade for 3
